Tuesday, 24 April 2012

You just think you're funny...

I would have definitely been an astronaut if I hadn't hated maths so much in high school. I was obsessed with outer space, planets, stars, the works. Then my darling mother, who I'm sure meant well at that time, told me that if I wanted to pursue a career in space research or something like that, I'd have to be brilliant at maths. She probably thought that her daughter would stop failing every maths test and actually work harder at the subject in order to fulfil her ambition. But her beloved daughter did the exact opposite. She abandoned her ambition in order to save herself from the dreadful prospect of studying advanced maths.That's me. I'm a lazy person. Ma then started nagging me about my lack of determination. That's my ma. She's very determined. Anyway, I was watching Aliens vs Predators today and the bull crap they made up in that movie was damn impressive. It made me want to be an astronaut again. Too late for that now. I'm already a lawyer and I still hate maths.

Sofia Vergara from the Modern Family series is way too adorable. She makes me want to be a Columbian, and that's saying something. I wanted to be French because of the classy language but I think being Columbian is way more fun. Si.

I wanted to take a year off and live alone before I got married. But I often forget my own plans. Now I can't wait to resign from my job and go live in Ladakh with my dogs. I'm very sure that's not going to happen as well. What do you do when you realise that you are the reason for everything that didn't go as planned? Do you punish yourself? Do you repent? What about seeking vengeance? Should one ideally stand before a mirror and yell at the reflection? I have no idea how to deal with such things. I often get quite mad at myself and wonder what to do.

What is the deal with girls and all things pink? There has got to be a good scientific explanation for the pink obsession. I type this as I sit surrounded by a pink stapler, pink pen, pink lip balm and pink varnish on my nails. Look who's talking. 

Is it okay that I actually sympathise with Voldemort? I'm a Harry Potter aficionado, but I never thought Voldemort was entirely bad. He had his reasons. Maybe he over did it like some of us, but it wasn't completely unjustified. Poor guy. And speaking of Harry Potter, Her awesomeness, the Queen of fiction, J. K. Rowling, is writing another book! It is going to be a dark and humorous book called, 'The Casual Vacancy'. It is releasing on 27th September and I will definitely line up before my local book store to get my copy. Can't wait.


  1. You dont just think you are funny! You are funny! I mean it in the nicest possible way:)

  2. @ C. Suresh: I'm so glad you think that way!
